Customer Service represents the human aspect of a company. It is mainly demonstrated by frontline personnel, i.e. the people who communicate daily with customers and resolve situations which may have arisen.
In customer service, the specific customers’ needs are particularly important. The manner in which an organization actually practices customer service is what truly differentiates one organization from another. Any instance whereby a customer complains and expresses dissatisfaction presents an opportunity for the organization. Frontline people, properly trained, can significantly influence the degree of customer satisfaction and thereby also ultimately contribute to both the financial results of the organization as well as the organization’s image.
The Customer Service training programs which Winning has designed, aim to develop in a practical way the soft skills needed, such as:
The most characteristic training programs of Winning in Customer Service are:
- dealing with difficult situations
- recognizing and "decoding” customer’s human needs
- adjusting directly to the customer’s frequency
- building and maintaining trust with the customer
- maintaining self-control
- strengthening the customer-oriented culture
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